Ranking Your Name in Google

Richard CummingsSEO/Site Promotion5 Comments

In this article, I will illustrate how to rank your name in Google so that your name shows up on the first page of the Google rankings. Ideally, over time, you can rank number one for a Google search on yourname but if you happen to have a name such as George Clooney, the top 10 may be your best hope.

SEO: Creative Keyword Strategies

Richard CummingsSEO/Site Promotion2 Comments

If you have done your proper SEO keyword research, you will have selected keywords to use with some frequency in your articles. But did you choose the right keywords? And, importantly, how will you use these selected keywords as anchor text? In this article, we will look at creative keyword choices and how you can use these keywords as anchor … Read More

Is Wordtracker Accurate?

Richard CummingsMaking Money Online, SEO/Site Promotion1 Comment

One of the premier tools used in Keyword Research is Wordtracker. Thus, we should all assume that Wordtracker performs impeccably and finds us the right keywords every time. Or should we? In this article, we will ask the question: Is Wordtracker Accurate?